DiscoverDairy is offering classrooms of all kinds an opportunity to adopt a cow. Registration is open through October 15th.
The Adopt-a-Cow program is completely free for traditional classrooms, virtual classrooms, home-schoolers, museum and library programs, and more.
Kids will learn the cow’s name, when her birthday is, where she lives, and how the farmer takes care of her.Your classroom receive pictures of the cow, activity sheets for the students, a PowerPoint of information, and a suggested lesson plan that follows Common CORE standards.
Classrooms are encouraged to fully engage in the program, and write letters to their calf and host farmer.
And if you’re really into animals, check out these alpaca barn tours and a new admission discount to Zoo Atlanta.
You’re eligible to adopt a cow if:
- You teach in a traditional classroom setting.
- You are homeschooling your kids/family members/friends.
- You run an after school program.
- You facilitate a library program.
- You have an agriculture program at your museum or kid’s center.
- You are one of the above and are teaching/leading from in or outside of the United States
To register, go to the Adopt-a-Cow page and scroll down for the registration form.
Timeline of events:
- November: Introductory video (sent via email) and kit with details about the host farm and calf (sent via snail mail) are sent.
- January: Update #2 is emailed.
- March: Update #3 is emailed.
- April/May: An opportunity to live chat your calf and host farm via YouTube.
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