The talented young musicians of the Alpharetta Symphony Youth Orchestra will present a FREE concert on Sunday, May 11, 2025 — which is Mother’s Day.
The concert starts at 5:30 p.m., at the Innovation Academy auditorium, located at 125 Milton Ave.
The theme of the concert is not yet known.
The event is FREE and open to the public.
You do not need a ticket — just show up. But we suggest arriving early to be sure you get a seat.
More info
Don't forget to browse our lists of affordable Mother's Day brunch spots and Mother's Day deals & freebies.
You may also be interested in our 2024 Spring Festival Guide. It includes spring fairs and festivals happening in April and May, all over metro ATL.
PLUS, check out our list of all the best things to do in May!
Events happening on Mother's Day weekend: